Did you know that you can make your own functions? Functions that users can type in directly into a cell?
These custom functions are also called function procedures. This lesson will teach you everything you need to know to make your own functions. For example, you For example, you can create a function called MyBestCalc that does something industry specific. You and your users can now type =MyBestCalc(A1) in a cell and Excel will calculate what you tell it to.
These custom functions are an excellent way to package routine, complex logic so that less experienced users can use easily.
The example exercises in this lesson cover how to return a letter grade from a numerical score and optionally apply a curve, how to extract a part number from a text string and how to process a range in a function, how to handle multiple parameters and how to add custom descriptions to your functions.
Although this is lesson #11, you do not need to have all previous 10 lessons in the series to use this material. Any macro knowledge that you know can be incorporated into custom functions.
As with all my lessons, this one comes with a follow along workbook that you can use to practice what you read.
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